Wednesday 7 March 2012

Friend, love...

Friends are not those: who constantly text each other, call every hour, meet every day. Friends are those, who know that you exist for each other. You speak to each other perhaps once a year, but than you going to feel that you are still on a same wave, you know if you didn't have time to send a BD card, the msg is still going to be perfect and is going to make it up because you are soulmates AND unseperable. It doesnt matter most important you have remebered! I have this friends who is far away from me, who i am having conversations rerely, but when i see this person, i know that we belong to each other and i can tell him all, i will never be judged on what i have done neither i will judge him. we choose our ways we respect our ways. He deserves place in my heart, and it will always be reserved only for HIM... best friend is only think you could wish for... because the love between 2, is most beautiful love that exists... its in your head.. for you my Friend, my love, my partner in crime. xxx

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